
Module Contents

class polyswarmclient.events.Callback[source]

Bases: object

Abstract callback class which is the parent to a number of child callback classes to be used in different scenarios.


Classes which extend Callback are expected to impliment the run method.

register(self, f)[source]

Register a function to this Callback.


f (function) – Function to register.

remove(self, f)[source]

Remove a function previously assigned to this Callback.


f (function) – Function to remove.

class polyswarmclient.events.OnRunCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon entering the event loop for the first time, use for initialization

class polyswarmclient.events.OnNewBlockCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon receiving a new block, scheduled events triggered separately

class polyswarmclient.events.OnNewBountyCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon receiving a new bounty

class polyswarmclient.events.OnNewAssertionCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon receiving a new assertion

class polyswarmclient.events.OnRevealAssertionCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon receiving a new assertion reveal

class polyswarmclient.events.OnNewVoteCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon receiving a new arbiter vote

class polyswarmclient.events.OnQuorumReachedCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon a bounty reaching quorum

class polyswarmclient.events.OnSettledBountyCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon a bounty being settled

class polyswarmclient.events.OnInitializedChannelCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called upon a channel being initialized

class polyswarmclient.events.Schedule[source]

Bases: object

Generic Schedule class. Uses a PriorityQueue data structure to store Events.


Return True if the queue is empty.


Is the queue empty.

Return type



Return True if the queue is empty.


Tuple at the front of the queue if the queue is full, else None.

Return type

(block, event)


Pop the lowest valued block in the queue.


The lowest valued block in the PriorityQueue.

Return type

(block, event)

put(self, block, event)[source]

Add a tuple (block, event) to the PriorityQueue. Block signifies the priority of the event.

class polyswarmclient.events.Event(guid)[source]

Bases: object

Generic Event class. Stores GUID and can compare for equality and order Events.


guid (str) – GUID of the event.

__eq__(self, other)[source]
__lt__(self, other)[source]
class polyswarmclient.events.RevealAssertion(guid, index, nonce, verdicts, metadata)[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Event

An assertion scheduled to be publically revealed

  • guid (str) – GUID of the bounty being asserted on

  • index (int) – Index of the assertion to reveal

  • nonce (str) – Secret nonce used to reveal assertion

  • verdicts (List[bool]) – List of verdicts for each artifact in the bounty

  • metadata (str) – Optional metadata

class polyswarmclient.events.OnRevealAssertionDueCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called when an assertion is needing to be revealed

class polyswarmclient.events.VoteOnBounty(guid, votes, valid_bloom)[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Event

A scheduled vote from an arbiter :param guid: GUID of the bounty being voted on :type guid: str :param votes: List of votes for each artifact in the bounty :type votes: List[bool] :param valid_bloom: Is the bloom filter submitted with the bounty valid :type valid_bloom: bool

class polyswarmclient.events.OnVoteOnBountyDueCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called when a bounty is needing to be voted on

class polyswarmclient.events.SettleBounty(guid)[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Event

A bounty scheduled to be settled :param guid: GUID of the bounty being asserted on :type guid: str

class polyswarmclient.events.OnSettleBountyDueCallback[source]

Bases: polyswarmclient.events.Callback

Called when a bounty is needing to be settled